Far Cry 4 Promises a Diverse World


Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of “Far Cry 3″ was the protagonist’s sojourns into madness. The insanity was always unexpected, unsettling and, well . . . trippy; truly an independent world within the already lush tropical island paradise of one of 2012’s most critically acclaimed games.

Ubisoft offers gamers an equally exciting and robust world in the upcoming “Far Cry 4,” a world which has been made ever more authentic by the improved engine running on the new consoles.

Thankfully, the psychological element that differentiated “Far Cry 3″ from its open world brothers has found its way back into the upcoming title. The spiritual world of Shangri-La holds the secrets of Kyrat’s “mythical past.” This mystical alternative reality seems to offer the protagonist a chance at power and enlightenment, with actions taking place in Shangri-La having direct consequences in the land of Kyrat.

Far Cry 4- In Post

Outside of the spiritual realm, the Himalayas offer impressive verticality with plenty of opportunities to put the wingsuit to good use. According to the trailer, the high altitudes come with a price, as avalanches have been introduced as a random environmental feature.

Personally, I can’t wait to explore the brutal and mesmerizing world of Kyrat from the safety of my couch.

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